Mung beans sprouts long or short are used commonly in many Indian, Chinese and other Asian cuisines. Mung beans are crisp, nutty and are very healthy to eat. Mung beans sprouts are fastest beans to sprout and can done easily. Making mung beans sprouts at home are very easier and better than getting ready made sprouts.
It takes around 5-7 days to grow mung beans sprout, but trust me ititss all worth your patience and effort. And that too not much effort required, you just wait and watch them grow into beautiful long sprouts. I would really recommend trying this recipe, specially when these long mung sprouts are not easily available.
Click here for more Bean Sprout recipes.

Recipe Card

Moong Beans Sprouts/Mung Beans sprouts
Mung beans are crisp, nutty and are very healthy to eat.
Ingredients (Servings - 1 cup)
Equipment required
Day 1
Pick & Rinse
Pick mung beans which might have soil, stone etc. Rinse the mung beans 3-4 times in cold water until the water runs clear.
Place the rinsed beans in a big clean bowl. Add enough cold water to the bowl to immerse the beans, generally around 2 to 3 times the volume. Cover and soak the beans overnight or at least 8hours. Usually after 8 hours the beans will swell. If you have sprout maker you can use that instead.
Day 2
Drain & Rinse
On second day discard away the excess water, rinse the beans with cold water, and drain the water again.
Place and cover:
place the mung beans back to bowl, cover and keep the bowl for another 1 day. You can sprout beans this way till desired length for another 1 day.
Day 3
To make long Sprout Beans
Take a wide big container and place the small bowl with the container with hole over it.
Wet towel or kitchen towel and spread over the container as shown in picture. Spread the mung beans on the wet towel. Pour some water and cover with another towel and keep in cool, dry and dark place. Try to find a place which gets little to no sunlight otherwise beans will turn green and will start to grow in plant. The bottom of a closet/pantry or Oven can be a good option.
Day 4:
Pour water all over the beans, drain excess water and keep covered. Repeat this process twice a day.
Day 5
Repeat the process.
Day 6
Continue the process to the length you desire.
Harvest the sprouted mung beans and separate from the kitchen towel.
Trim with kitchen scissor, they're ready to eat! Use them right away or refrigerate covered to use later.
- Mung beans get much bigger once they sprout, so be careful not to make too much and use big container
- These sprouted beans stay fresh in the fridge for up to 2-4 days.
- Use them raw, in salad, slightly steamed or as ingredient of few recipes.